Diatomaceous earth is a naturally-formed sedimentary mineral rock. It’s derived from the remains of diatoms, or oceanic unicellular algae.
* Natural Source of Silica
Food-grade diatomaceous earth is composed of approximately 85% silica. This important, trace mineral is required by tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, and bones.
* Promotes Skin Health
Because diatomaceous earth is a strong abrasive, it is often used as a toothpaste and facial exfoliator.
* Supports Heart Health
Nutrients such as silicon, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and other trace minerals are available in diatomaceous earth, giving rise to a practically endless supply of health benefits.
* Natural Pesticide
Studies indicate that this clay-like powder can kill the harmful insects that threaten crops and home life.
* Internal Cleanser
Diatomaceous earth acts as a mild abrasive topically as well as internally. It can help to remove intestinal invaders and other harmful organisms from the digestive tract. As an internal cleanser, diatomaceous earth may aid cleansing by supporting regularity and assist in removing toxic metals.